4.28.14 - Bird Nerd Moment - My friend Sylvia's garage
Yarmouthport, MA
It's good to know so many bird nerds, and thankfully I get to call many friends, and they share their bird stories with me. My friend Sylvia let me know that some friendly & trusting Carolina Wrens had built a nest in her garage. I was SHOCKED when I saw the size of this elaborate nest! "THEY BUILT THAT?!", was my initial reaction. Tiny birds with big voices, can build BIG nests! I know that wrens can be quite opportunistic about nest locations. I've seen their nests in wreaths on doors. How did they get into the garage? There is a small hole where the garage door meets the cement that the birds use to get in and out. It's a brilliant nest placement for shelter and warmth since we've had such a chilly spring. I took a picture of the nest next to a bike helmet for scale. We did see the parents for a few seconds, but they startled and took off while I snapped a few photos. Carolina Wren babies are altricial, meaning naked, eyes closed, basically helpless. These babies are waiting for Mom & Dad to come back with supper.
(click photos to enlarge)
Looks as though Sylvia will have to wait a few weeks to hang her flag.
One tiny beak
Three tiny beaks
Waiting for Mom & Dad
Being a baby bird is...
Next opportunity for a bird walk is Tuesday Tweets - May 6th at 9:30am at the Cape Cod Museum Of Natural History in Brewster. $2Members/$4Non-members
Happy Birding!