Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2.25.14 - Cape Cod Museum Of Natural History - Tuesday Tweets
Brewster, MA
I think my hands are still recovering from taking the very few photos I was able to take this morning!  The sun was shining, but the winds were whipping past us.  We did get some feathery visits in though.
Our List:
American Crow
Northern Cardinal (female & male)
Black-capped Chickadee
Great Blue Heron
American Black Duck
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Song Sparrow
Mallards (female & male)
American Robin
Northern Cardinal (male) 
Cape Cod Bay
American Black Ducks & Brants 
Great Blue Heron footprint in the sand 
Can you see the Song Sparrow? 
Song Sparrow 
American Robin
Next opportunity for Tuesday Tweets at Cape Cod Museum Of Natural History
March 4 at 9:30am
Happy Birding 'til then!

Monday, February 17, 2014

2.10.14 - Green Briar Nature Center - Monday Morning Bird Walk
Cape Cod Canal - Sagamore, MA
Sandwich Boardwalk - Sandwich, MA
This winter has been very cold and snowy, but bird nerds can still be found toting binoculars and cameras to the chilliest of locations - the Cape Cod Canal included.  Even though we had to take some time in the van to warm our bones, we had quite a successful showing of birds - mostly floating in those frigid waters.  It's hard to imagine how they thrive and survive in these temperatures, but for a lot of these birds - this is a warmer climate than their nesting grounds in Canada.
Our List:

American Robin
Song Sparrow
Common Loon
American Black Duck (female & male)
Red-breasted Merganser (female & male)
Common Eider (female & male)
American Crow
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
White-winged Scoter (female & male)
Common Goldeneye (female & male)
Mallard (female & male)

American Black Ducks (female & male)

Common Loon (nonbreeding plumage)

Common Eider (female)

Common Eider (female)

Common Loon in foreground
Cormorants in background


Common Eiders on the wing

Red-breasted Merganser (female)
Red-breasted Merganser (male) 
Great Black-backed Gull

American Robin 
Common Eiders (female & male) 
White-winged Scoter (female & juvenile) 
White-winged Scoter (male & juvenile)

American Robins 
American Robins 
American Robin 
Then we headed to the Sandwich Boardwalk for a look-see over there...

Common Goldeneye (female & male)

Common Goldeneye 

Mallards (female & male)

Common Goldeneyes in distance & Mallards closer
Next opportunity for a bird walk will be on Tuesday 2/25 for Tuesday Tweets at 9:30am at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History - Brewster MA
Happy Birding 'til then!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2.4.14 - Yarmouth - Home
Yarmouth MA
It's always a bummer when a bird walk needs to be cancelled due to the elements...
Yesterday the Wing Island Trail at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Brewster would have been covered in snow during Tuesday Tweets, with a layer of ice underneath. 
I was able to get some outside time though, shoveling our driveway.  As the sun warmed up Cape Cod, the sparkling branches began to melt and I couldn't help myself snapping a few shots with my phone.  Eventually I heard one of my favorite nature sounds, slowly getting louder, in the distance.  It was a flock of Canada Geese!!!  We are lucky enough to live  close to Bass River, the largest river or stream on the Cape.  So, it is not uncommon for the noisy fliers to pass over our neighborhood as they approach their watery destination.  The photos I got of the birds are not great, they're taken with my phone, but I loved taking a break from shoveling to watch and listen as they flapped and honked over my head!


Canada Geese

Circling around...

The next bird walk, through Green Briar Nature Center, is the Monday Morning Bird Walk this Monday 2.10.14 at 9a.  Weather depending we meet at 9am at the van in the lower parking lot at Green Briar in East Sandwich.  If I need to cancel due to weather, I will decide by 8am and will post it here.  'Til then, Happy Birding!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2.3.14 - Cape Cod Museum Of Natural History -
Tuesday Tweets CANCELLED today due to icy trails...
Next Tuesday Tweets on 2.25.14 at 9:30am.
Happy Birding 'til then!