Friday, March 28, 2014

3.26.14 - Home - Bird Nerd Moment
Yarmouth MA

Out like a lion...
So the Nor'easter came and went, and the winds were WILD throughout!  We didn't get much snow in Yarmouth, maybe about 6 inches.  Total accumulation was difficult to measure because the wind drifted the snow every which way.  What was amazing to me was looking out the window and seeing some song birds doing what they do in our yard.  They were visiting the feeder and foraging in the snow for seeds that had been easily strewn about the top of the snow.  I have sometimes noticed Song Sparrows being pushy around the feeder, pecking away House Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos (they're still around)...even Mourning Doves.  Today seemed more about coexistence.
I had heard that an Osprey pair had returned to the nest platform on the salt marsh behind the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History so I watched 'ospreycam' for a while, worrying about the pair... but I never saw them.  Here's hoping they found safe shelter during that crazy storm.   Here are some photos from my yard of the busy birds.
(double click to enlarge)
Song Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Junco, Song Sparrow & Mourning Dove

Dark-eyed Junco & Song Sparrow
("I won't look at you if you won't look at me.")

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow
Next opportunity for a guided bird walk, 9:30am-10:30am Tuesday Tweets at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History Rt 6A, Brewster
Happy Birding 'til then!

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